Sunday, September 1, 2013

Life on a Sunday | Life Lately | One Year Anniversary

 It's officially September, and it's officially Summer. The humidity and high temperatures have left us with perma boob sweat and Barrett in nothing but a diaper for the last four days. At least the sunsets and orange evenings have kind of made up for the fact that there is no point in showering. Kind of. We've been stalking Alex's head for lice and the cats are out calling their frenimies to come play. Well, Bowie is. Let September 1st mark his second great escape into the backyard to find Mr. Black cat. This time, through the laundry room. Sneaky, sneaky fella. 
Let September 1st also mark our one year anniversary at Pennsylvania Ave! Cheers to us, ladies and gentleman. And here's to another year of modern family-ing. Let us pretend we are celebrating at the North Park Theater and enjoying the raspy voice of our dearest Tallest Man and wine in plastic togo cups like we were doing this time last year. 

Alex, Barrett, and I fought the heat and helped our city out by venturing to the farmer's market just before closing. Flowers, veggies, croutons, and lots and lots of nectarine samples. And a couple, "Oh my god, his eyes!" moments with local Grandmas. Tonight we're in for a home-cooked meal by madam Alex and some crazy smiles from Mr. Bear. He's been extra cheery today. Always the happiest when playing chase and pretending to get hurt. It's been "ow, ow, ow" until we kiss his fake boo boos. Little drama king. Pretend tickling has taken the place of hits to the face, so thank you to Auntie Brit for finding a way to save our noses. 

Megh was a little dead these past few days, so it's been nice to have her around today. Even got a brunch in the sun at Empire House. Tots are the cure for all things bad. And lucky for her, no work tomorrow! Brit'll be stylin' and I'll be babysittin'. That's okay, though, because we're all together tonight for a Sunday dinner. 


And now for a few Barrett moments we shouldn't forget:

Go us...finally using the fire pit! 

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